All of our customers' data is secured against any misuse. All data transfers on our website are encrypted.

Your personal information, which you provide when making a purchase, is confidential and will not be provided to third parties under any circumstances. Personal data will only be used for necessary activities related to order processing or for our own marketing activities. Personal data is stored until it is removed upon request.

At the customer's request (e.g. by email, in writing, etc.), personal data will be deleted from the database and Dias Turnov, s.r.o. will no longer process it.

Contact address

Dias Turnov, s.r.o.

Přepeřská 1320

51101 Turnov

Czech Republic

Email address:

Unsubscribe from newsletter emails (remove address from the database):

In each email message, you will find a link "cancel newsletter subscriptions". After clicking on this link and confirming, your email will be removed from the database.

If you wish to remove all personal data, please contact us at with this request. We will promptly remove all personal or sensitive data.

Only authorized persons may handle personal data. Data is stored electronically only, except for data listed on invoices, delivery notes, and credit notes. These documents are archived in secure cabinets.

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